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Getting ready to attack? Explosive drone found near Yitzhar

6+ min ago — 

...to it apparently launched from a nearby village was found near Yitzhar... ...in Samaria....

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Footage shows Tel Aviv terror attack - from the lens of a camera

17+ min ago — 

...Security camera footage from the scene of a Tel Aviv terror attack...

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“We have to march this year. It might be our last chance.” | The Times of Israel

30+ min ago — 

...Many survivors like Nate, Eva and Hershel want to march this Yom... ...For Maya Gordon, a past participant, marching alongside Hershel changed...

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Watch: Early-morning protest outside justice's home

59+ min ago — 

...appointment of Supreme Court Justice Yitzhak Amit as Supreme Court President...

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Delta resumes flights to Israel

47+ min ago — 

...New York-Tel Aviv flight route; the airline has not flown to Israel...

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A Zionist and economic response

52+ min ago — 

...Establishing new neighborhoods and communities in Judea and Samaria...

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Trump’s Executive Orders: Good for Israel, the Jews, and America

1+ hour, 7+ min ago — 

...officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former... ...Home » Trump’s Executive Orders: Good for Israel, the Jews, and America... ...admission or entry into the United States.”... ... “To protect Americans, the United States must be vigilant during...

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Sovereignty in Jordan Valley Law falls when coalition opposes bill

1+ hour, 10+ min ago — 

...Otzma Yehudit and Yisrael Beytenu vote in favor of sovereignty in... ...Jordan Valley Law, coalition opposes....

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Footage from Mount Dov: Military raid reveals large quantity of weapons on Lebanon border

1+ hour, 27+ min ago — 

...IDFs 810th Brigade locates numerous weapons in the Mount Dov area... ...of southern Lebanon....

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After converting to Judaism, man discovers he has horrific illness

1+ hour, 37+ min ago — 

...Michael Glazer has lived an extraordinary life....


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